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Between Lourdes and Argelès-Gazost

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Pour toute demande de renseignements pour les cours ou les stages de vacances, vous pouvez nous contacter au 05 62 97 16 58

A très vite !

Nos promenades à poney

Pour faire découvrir les plaisirs de l’équitation à vos enfants, rien de tel qu’une petite balade à dos de poney !

vign poney promenadesFor the little ones, hand-held pony rides are best.
Parents can lead their children along signposted tracks through the woods, a restful and quiet spot next to the Farm.
Everyone loves sharing this special moment together.
Children are reassured by the presence of their parents and will keep wonderful memories of the ride, and the hug they’re sure to give their ponies at the end,
Our gentle ponies will make this a unique experience.






Useful information

arrowPony rides (along a marked circular route, under the responsibility of their parents): 9 € for 30 mins; 18 € for one hour.
arrowWhat to wear (children): trousers (or bermuda shorts) and lace-up shoes. Riding helmets are provided.
arrowComfortable lace-up shoes for parents (heels, sandals and flip-flops are not suitable.

Ferme Équestre
& Gîte du Bourdalat

Centre équestre Le Bourdalat

05 62 97 16 58

Quartier Bagnestou
65400 Ouzous

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