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Between Lourdes and Argelès-Gazost

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Pour toute demande de renseignements pour les cours ou les stages de vacances, vous pouvez nous contacter au 05 62 97 16 58

A très vite !

Contact & Access

Contact information

Ferme Équestre
& Gîte du Bourdalat

+33 5 62 97 16 58

Quartier Bagnestou
65400 Ouzous

How to get to Bourdalat

From Lourdes

Take the Agos-Vidalos exit and turn right (big crossroads on the photo), towards Ouzous. The Bourdalat riding centre is signposted. Follow the signs in Ouzous for the correct route.


From Argelès-Gazost

Pass the Pyrenean Animal Park and enter Ayzac-Ost. Turn left at the big crossroads (see photo) towards Ouzous. The Bourdalat riding centre is signposted. Follow the signs in Ouzous for the correct route.


N.B.: Don’t follow your satnav instructions. They are likely to send you to a steep rough track, then into a wood you can’t get through by car.

Ferme Équestre
& Gîte du Bourdalat

Centre équestre Le Bourdalat

05 62 97 16 58

Quartier Bagnestou
65400 Ouzous

Contact form